WG 1: Digital Grassroots Across Europe

WG1: Digital Grassroots Across Europe

Leader: Alex Wade – alex.wade@bcu.ac.uk

Co-Leader: Kieran Nolan – kieran.nolan@dkit.ie

Co-Leader: Natalija Majsova – natalija.majsova@fdv.uni-lj.si


Working Group 1 aims to find out about the hidden histories of creative computing cultures across Europe. Initial research into these histories mean that there are nations, geographical regions and topics that are extensively understood.

However, this is uneven across the continent. Working Group 1 aims to uncover these hidden histories and make their contribution to European cultural heritage available to all.


Working Group 1 brings a community of people together from across Europe to uncover these hidden histories and we welcome all with a collegial interest in furthering our aims. This is especially important in drawing attention to histories that have been seen as part of minority groups including women, global majorities and those with disabilities. 

In doing this Working Group 1 will establish an understanding of the current state of the art in the histories of creative computing cultures. It will identify key areas that require further awareness and promotion through educational and outreach activities and advocate for the importance of the grassroots of digital Europe across the continent and beyond.  


To be added soon…